February 14, 2025

At Brain Mark:Know what you are good at …before deciding your future plans

Mrs. Neeta Jadhav (Bangalore Franchisee Alpha Brain Mark), Mr.Kamalesh Surti (Vice President Mrain Mark), Mr. Yogesh(Associate)

Mrs. Neeta Jadhav (Bangalore Franchisee Alpha Brain Mark), Mr.Kamalesh Surti (Vice President Mrain Mark), Mr. Yogesh(Associate)

Bangalore- June 2013: You could have been a Sachin Tendulkar, instead of working in a sports store selling cricket bats. Don’t discount it. Sachin knew where his talent lied and pursued it, instead of just doing what everyone does – become a software engineer, or a doctor, and go to US.

Many of us just go with the flow and do what everyone does. Or we succumb to parental pressure, and follow our friends and so on so forth. We don’t even try to know what we are good at, and where our strengths lie. That’s why you find a lot of cases where people end up doing what they are not good at and eventually fail or feel depressed. That’s also why you find a software engineer working in marketing, or a law student working in a corporate field, or a MBBS graduate ending up in some IT company. According to a study, 60% of people – that is 3 out of 5 persons – are not in the right profession.

You can’t blame parents for they are as much clueless as their children are about what their child is good at, what is his/her strength. But now there’s a way out to know your inherent strength and latent skills. Brain Mark MIT Pvt Ltd offers the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT), a scientifically tried and tested process that reveals whether you are a Sachin Tendulkar waiting to be discovered. The MIT is greatly helpful because it helps you to know what is the right fit for you, whether you will make a good software engineer or an artist, so that you don’t end up doing something you are not good at all your life.

Countries like China and Japan use the DMIT in the early stages of their children to ensure they choose the right career that is perfect for them.

Dermatoglyphics – The Concept

Dermatoglyphics, derived from the ancient Greek word derma (Skin) and glyph (carving) is a scientific study of fingerprints and coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint analysis. The process of fingerprint identification has already been in use for several hundred years.

In humans and animals, Dermatoglypics are present on fingers, palms, toes and soles, giving an insight into a critical period of embryogenesis, between 4 weeks and 5 months, when the architecture of the major organ system is developing.

Dermatoglyphics can reveal our intrinsic qualities and talents, says Mr. Kamlesh Surti, Vice-President, Brain Mark MIT Pvt Ltd. In a press conference, he said there are 8 types of Multiple Intelligences whose presence and percentage in the brain differs from person to person. “In today’s time and age we all believe in customization. If we go to gym, our workout is moulded on the basis of the body composition and desired result. The same applies to our brain too. By understanding the type of intelligence one posses, one can design and customize their life depending on it,” he said.

The 8 Intelligences include: Intrapersonal Intelligence, Linguistic Intelligence, Kinaesthetic Intelligence, Spatial Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Logical Intelligence, Musical Intelligence and Natural Intelligence.

The theory of Multiple Intelligence can play a critically important role in the education of gifted children because it redefines the way children are taught and it challenges previously held views of the concept of human intelligence.

DMIT is a cutting edge technology that extracts vital information found on fingerprints which will then be decoded to identify the individual characteristics and accordingly offer the right advice for individual’s progress.

With the help of DMIT report one can unearth the type of intelligence an individual posses and reveal one’s intrinsic qualities.

How can DMIT help?

  • Choose the right stream of Education for Children
  • Discover your true profession if confused with current profession
  • If you are dissatisfied in your current employment
  • Lets you indentify your strength & weaknesses
  • Know the non-listeners
  • Tensed parents will know the child better

Benefits of DMIT test with Brain Mark

Detailed reports that help you identify areas of your brain that are under or overused

Helps understand your child’s innate personality to help you apply that right approach in upbringing.

Helps you bring to focus your child’s talents and hidden potential & further develop it.

Helps or guides you to choose the right career path or learning programs.

Helps improve interpersonal skills

Helps employers and senior management know their employee’s personality & talent traits.

There are three important parts of DMIT:

Explaining what is DMIT and why it is required (Creating Awareness)

Taking finger prints and getting analysis at company head office

Interpretation of the report and Counselling.

At Brain Mark MIT, they take finger prints through Digital Bio Metric Scanners of all ten fingers. Once the finger prints are uploaded on their server, their back end team process it for further analysis. After doing the necessary analysis, back end team sends the report to the local system back, TAT for which shall be around 24 hours.

Once the report is generated, counselling appointment is fixed with the parents or the individual for interpretation of the report. Certified counsellors counsel the candidate on all the major aspects of behaviour, strength and weakness and tips on how to develop the underdeveloped part of the brain. A detailed Report is also provided which could run to as much as 28 pages.

The counsellor does not just focus on indentifying the strength and weakness, but also on how to develop the needed intelligences through which a person can feel comfortable dealing in a specific segment of work.

Kamlesh Surti, VP, Brain Mark said that overall counselling is the most crucial important part of the entire process and clarified that the DMIT Test does not tell your future but only helps you to know your intrinsic qualities and talents.

Brain Mark is head-quartered in Surat and started its operations in 2010. Growing rapidly, today it has over 79 distribution channel offices and more than 120 consultants covering over one lakh students across India. Currently  present in Delhi, Ahamedabad, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh it has now forayed into Karnataka and plans to expand its base in South India.  The company also provides training for teachers, corporate, parents, students and Counsellors.

The MIT test cost starts from Rs. 4000/- to 10,000/- For more details and to get your MIT test done call: 9845066173 o Drop in at Alfa Brain Mark # 712, 2nd Cross, 2nd Floor, Annayappa Block, Kumara Park ( West) Banglore-560020. Email: alpha@brain-mark.com, www. brain-mark.com

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