Bengaler for peace, Respect, Safety and Dignity for all was the theme of the world peace day 2017. True to its theme the entire college gathered together to not only observe this day for mere formality but celebrated indeed with purpose, intend and also a bit of pomp and show.
The presence of Shri.John Devaraj, a civil engineer by training but multifaceted Bangalore based artist, photographer, painter, sculptor, author, play writer, actor, art director, choreographer and consultant on one side and the other side, circle inspector of K.R.Puram Police Station Shri. Jayaraj N, made the function more meaningful and relevant. The function was organized in the shuttle court where the students were seated in the court with all the staff participating in the function in white dress symbolizing the colour of peace. The function started with the long bell( in line with the United Nations celebration protocol) followed by one minute of silence to pay respect to the soldiers of peace who are still championing the cause of peace and those real soldiers who have died in the many wars of human history. The students and all participants were given a peace wrist band to tie to each other’s hand symbolically to spread peace among all, and after which all took the peace pledge. The guests and the principal Dr. H.C Ramana, released the hydrogen gas balloons into the high blue sky marking the beginning of the function.
Prof. Rajanna, sang the invocation song to invoke the blessing of nature and god of peace. The circle inspector of Police, immediately addressed the gathering with his short, precise and purposive message of maintaining peace in families, friends, neighborhoods and in the community in order to establish peace in the country and world at large. He also spoke about how he himself tried to practice peaceful relations at his own home before addressing the student community. He also shared the alarming speed at which the crime rate in Bangalore city is increasing and spoiling the peace of the society. The need for students to contribute and play a proactive role in establishing and assisting police and society to bring peace.
John Devaraj spoke about the need to be aware of the forces perpetratingwar and to ignore the negative influence on the society. He invoked the students to support peace and look for positive forces in life so that peace not war will be the future of the world. He called upon the students to help him in the future peace campaigns and realize the dream of establishing a world peace museum. He also promised Lt. Patrick Rajkumar the NCC officer and coordinator of peace program, that his ambition of creating peace park in college campus will be made into reality soon. John Devaraj mesmerized the students with his multi-tasking music talents of playing instruments and singing songs in multi languages. He said that peace has to be celebrated and hence need to be joyful, singing and spreading happiness.
To add to the already exuberant atmosphere the NCC army wing cadets performed group song and Kamsale, a folk dance. At the end of the programme ,the students took to selfies with the guest in the spree to spread messages of peace in face book and other social mediums. The entire programme was organized by the NCC Army wing ( Lt. Somya Sharma & Lt. Patrick Rajkumar) and the Red Cross Wing. Dr. Narayana, Coordinator of RCW was the back bone in funding and supporting ,without whom the function could not have been such a success. Special thanks to Dr. Yellapa, for rendering kannada Poem written by him for this occasion, Dr. Vijayakumar for his introduction on international Peace day 2017, and Dr. Thyagaraj for executing the peace pledge. The entire atmosphere was filled with peace and harmony and the celebration of world peace days was indeed inspiring to all.