Environmentalist, Author, Educationist, Motivational Speaker, U.S.Moinuddin interacting with the students and staff of Magnifique Public School.

Bangalore(MT NEWS): Recently, as part of the Tree Explorers Club initiative, an event to create awareness about the different varieties of trees in our surroundings was organized for the students and staff of Magnifique Public School, on Kanakapura Main Road. Environmentalist and Founder of the Global Environment Movement One Tree by One Person, U.S. Moinuddin gave elaborate details about the Rain Tree( Albizia Saman), Gul Mohar (Delonix Regia) and Golden Duranta shrubs.
U.S. Moinuddin said,“Though people love trees, most of us are unable to identify the commonly found trees in our surroundings. Hence, Tree Explorers Club intends to create awareness about the role of trees for our survival in grass root levels, children are encouraged to participate in activities concerning the environment. Regular exposure on environment based topics, helps them in developing a sense of responsibility towards the environment and environment related issues.”
A student of tenth standard Kiran.P, who had participated in the event said, “Today we came to know about the trees which are found in our surroundings, it was a fun filled learning experience, all of us had a fabulous time.”
A student of ninth standard Nachitha S.M. said, “Everyday we see trees. To our surprise, we discovered that we did not know most of their names. Now, we are not only learning their names but also their physical structure and their benefits. The event was very attractive, and we are looking forward to have more of such events.”
Vidyauttam the Computer Science teacher of the school said, “The information that was generated
by Environmentalist U.S. Moinuddin about the trees and the environment was fabulous. It was a learning experience to the students as well as to the teachers of the school.”
In the end, projects concerning the Gul Mohar trees and their role in providing aesthetic appeal to the surroundings were given to the students of the school.