Memorandum submitted to Hon’ble President of India by the All India Mahila Empowerment Party (MEP).

Your Excellency
All India Mahila Empowerment Party (MEP) is a registered political party Registered under Sec. 29A of the Representation of People Act 1951 as a national political party which aims at empowering Indian women irrespective of caste, creed, religious tag and domicile region.
When India achieved independence in 1947, we had given ourselves a Constitution which has guaranteed not only gender equality but also dignified life to womenfolk, but a strange perversion is taking place in granted rights to Indian women. In this connection the MEP demands that:
- The issue of women representation in the Parliament and state legislatures is pending since a long time and no political party is taking it seriously to pass the Women Reservation Bill though all political parties have included it in their election manifestoes.
- The MEP demands that women should be provided 33% reservation in Parliament and state legislatures after passing of pending Women Reservation Bill.
- Working women are carrying on double duties. They are serving the nation in offices, factories and other establishments apart of looking after their homes and children upbringing. Hence working women both in government as well as private sector should be extended some tax reliefs.
- Not only this women entrepreneur is also contributing in national economic growth and so they must get relief in their income tax.
- Effective health services are very important to women both for urban and rural areas. The central government should take up the problems faced by women in health sector particularly those related with their pregnancy and nutrition.
- Large number of women are involved in unorganized sector who may be called backbone of our economy. They must be brought under government care and some sort of insurance scheme should be introduced for them.
- Crimes against women are on rise. Harsh laws should be introduced and implemented on the crimes against women particularly rape.
- The central government should effectively ban child marriages which are still going on in some parts of country.
- Though triple talaq has been banned by the Supreme Court, but still Muslim women are being divorced under triple talaq system while the government has not introduced any mechanism to check it. So, the government should implement a monitoring system on triple talaq.
- Child labor has also been banned legally but people are employing minor aged girls for domestic works. They have been left on mercy of employers. Government should launch any educational scheme for them
- The Central government has taken up many positive women welfare works and projects but they are not receiving benefits as they should be. The Central government must constitute a national level ‘Monitoring Committee’ to identify the problems faced by women, their solution and monitoring of government schemes related to them.
Submitted by the All India Mahila Empowerment Party on 26 December 2017 for your kind consideration and action thereon.