Ajit Kaikaini with daughter Shoma Kaikini

BANGALORE( MT NEWS): For over 20 years, Ajit Kaikini has been seeking and finding the secrets to Human Excellence – in business/ service, teaching field and in life. Buoyancee, launched in 1992 by his wife Sadhana and himself, probably is the only of its kind empowering individuals from age 3 yrs to executives from blue chip companies, helping them to empower themselves.
Buoyancee ‘India Leaders for Tomorrow’ was a recognition from the Ratan Tata Trust. Buoyancee was also recognised internationally at Malaysia and UK as social entrepreneurs by GKP & Ogunte for Reaching out to the underprivileged in the slums and villages and remand homes too.
Be it inspiring students to perform better in studies, teachers from schools, lecturers from professional colleges or motivate executives to reach their targets and develop the right tools, skills, positive productive habits and attitude of excellence to bring down rejections, he has done it at the cross section of companies with ease. (Human Resource is most underutilised)
Ajit being backed by his 15 years in the industry with hands on experience in blue chip pharma companies in sales/marketing, production/planning & admin/training, is able to reach out to the needs of the changing market conditions and also the mindset of the individuals for better productivity and profitability. He was also teaching in colleges as a visiting faculty.
His expertise for reaching out to his audience and stimulating them to better their best, be it in life and business, has him as a frequent guest speaker in many management colleges and national meets/ conferences as a key note speaker
Ajit trains all over India in 6 languages and is a softskills and lifeskills consultant to a lot of blue chip companies like adidas, ITC group, Bank of India, Bisleri, Canara Bank, Cisco, Coca Cola, SBI, Cisco, TAJ hotels, etc. He also trains in many institutions, not only the students but also the Staff. Through the world bank he has conducted the TEQIP programme for over 500 engineering college lecturers
He has conducted training in Denmark and UK for ITC Infotech.
He is able to support companies to increase their revenues, profits and value by working on the human excellence. His follow-up notes and books have sold over 100,000 copies. Through the proceeds of this, his team has reached over 100,000 teens and youth in the slums, villages, the destitute, remand homes and the differently able.
His outbound programmes with the right type of physical, mental and psychological challenges push students/ teachers/ lecturers & executives, to perform better!
With Buoyancee’s mission ‘Better Your Best’ and ‘Communicate with Confidence’ they are able to get the best of their participants with their team of 30, covering all ages (3 yrs to executives), probably the only of its kind in the world.
Over 500,000 participants have taken advantage of Buoyancee classes and are now know what holds them back and are able to have meaningful and purposeful stress free lives.
With tips on how to use time most effectively, based on the goals and the targets/ objectives that they have to meet, what tools and skills to develop and the ways to do the same, the performance of the participants are on the upward trend.
Ajit Kaikini continues his mission, inspiring people and transforming their lives.