February 18, 2025

Arch Bishop Dr. Bernard Moras Inaugurates St. Anthony’s Church at Marathahalli

img_1062Bengaluru, 2nd October 2016 The sound of the band played by the Bornfree Art School enthralled many passers-by busy shopping for dushera festival in the main road connecting IT corridor of Whitefield and Marathahalli, as the Arch Bishop of Bangalore diocese landed in Munnekolala to bless, dedicate and   inaugurate the newly built St.Anthony Church. The Archbishop was given a floral welcome by children till the entrance of the church, from where the special team of drummers and local styled tamtabeaters started their way of welcoming the guest of the day with splendid blend of resonance, tune and synchronised music.

img_1071The inauguration ceremony started around 4 pm with the procession towards presbytery which was blessed and inaugurated by the Archbishop accompanied by all the priests. Then the entire clergy proceeded towards the main entrance where the foundation stone was blessed, followed by the blessing of the door with incense and holy water. As tradition demands the newly installed bell tower was blessed, after which the door of the new church was open to the clergy and the entire faithful. The Archbishop along with the priests, Altar boys, guests and huge mass of faithful followed into the new church with procession as the choir sang the entrance song. The entire service of dedication and blessing took almost 3 hours which included blessing of the entire walls of the church, the altar, the bible and the tabernacle. During the service newly appointed parish priest Fr. Antony Mahendran took the oath of office and secrecyand was handed the keys of the new church by the outgoing parish priest Fr. Robert.

img_0900During the homily the Arch Bishop Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, shared his vision for the new church during which he stressed his intention to make this place a central home of worship, peace and support for all the people around this IT, BT, sector. He also mentioned that this was one of the biggest church built by him during his tenure. He also expressed his intention to build a school to cater to the educational needs of the people here. Many priests from in and around different churchesof the Archdiocese of Bangalore, con-celebrated during the Holy Eucharist. In the assembly were also present many nuns from different convents.

There was a felicitation function organised immediately after the service to honour and thank those people who were instrumental in some way or the other in the construction of the church. Local MLA, Sri Arvind Limabavalli, were felicitated and thanked for their support and patronage. All the committee members who workeduntiringly for this dream project were also honoured by his grace. The functions concluded with the fellowship meal served to the entire gathering.

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