Helping the feathered friends in summer

A small act of clemency by NCC Army Wing
Cadets of NCC Army wing, Government First Grade College, K.R. Puram, Bengaluru, decided to go out of their way to help the birds in distressing this summer. Every summer the birds find it very difficult to find water. Why birds even the human beings and other animals require lots of water during summer. Since many water bodies dry during summer and even the supply of water is scarce during this time of the year, the birds get very little water to quench their thirst. It is not only about drinking water for birds, they also use water for bathing, to clean their feathers and remove parasites. Although birds get little bit of water from the moisture of food, they do drink water and during summer it’s very difficult to get.
Every year the mercury is increasing and in Bengaluru also we find the temperature touching 35 plus, these birds need water to survive and live healthy. So the NCC Army Wing Cadets took this responsibility of placing water in the tree tops. In GFGC, K.R. Puram there are many trees and birds do come and settle there, hence the cadets thought of placing water bowls at various branches of the trees. Around 50 such small water bowls made out of waste plastic bottles cut into two pieces and were placed in strategic places for birds to come and drink water. Despite the soaring temperature and additional heat from the proximity of exams, the cadets dared all these and prepared water bowls with bare hands to help their feathered friends to make this summer less cruel.
Under the guidance and mentorship of Captain. Patrick and Captain. Somya Sharma, the cadets planned and planted these water bowls. The other faculty of the college who were, over- whelmed by this act, joined in; by way of suggestions and encouraging the cadets to find the appropriate places for placing these water bowls. The cadets vowed to monitor the water level regularly to make sure they don’t run dry. “Small act of charity, or love for birds and environment can be contagious and that’s what we witnessed today in the college” said one of the cadets. Every week the cadets take up some small act to keep the college and the environment clean, safe and beautiful.
Great task and long way to go
By – Captain Patrick Rajkumar