February 18, 2025

International women’s day celebration by NCC Army wing cadets at GFGC K.R.Puram, Bangalore

Bangalore: Government First Grade College K.R.Puram, NCC (army wing )cadets organized  women’s day awareness drive to commemorate the International women’s day on Saturday 7th march 2015.  The mega programme started with oath taking ceremony by the CDC members, staff and students to safeguard women. The CDC member Sri.Chandraiah addressed the gathering and spoke about the place of women in society and Sri. Kodandarama, member CDC also graced the occasion. Principal, Prof. Dhanama flagged off the rally. This event was initiated by Col Benny Sebastain, Commanding Officer 39 KAR INF BN NCC. Dr. Lt. Somya Sharma and Lt. Patrick Rajkumar, Asst.Professors & Associate NCC Officers (ANO’s)  were the organizers of this Rally, which was participated by all the NCC cadets and more than 1000 students. The staff and CDC members rendered their support to the cause.

The awareness rally routed from the College campus covering various residential and slum areas of K.R.Puram and winding up to the BBMP head Office K.R.Puram Bangalore. During the rally the students shouted slogans and created awareness on various issues of women. The students circled around the crowded market place to attract the attention of the passerby and the public by performing a street play titled “ Trafficking of women a  social menace” .The  street play addressed issues of atrocities against women and the responsibility of the society. The street play was performed by the trained NCC cadets  and few volunteers. At the end of the play the team also performed a ballet  representing the importance of women on this globe. “The rally instilled lots of confidence in the government college students and set a platform for them to bring a required change in their own communities” quoted by JUO Sudha, a senior wing NCC cadets

 Every year the 39 KAR INF BN NCC army wing of the college carries out such social activities and thus added one more feather in the cap.

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