February 18, 2025

Omashram Trust-Old Age Care-Bangalore: The Heaven that houses Neglected ELDERS.

Geeta Shankar


Geeta Shankar
Bengaluru : An old lady who was afflicted by polio and TB with both her legs non-functional. She was
Geeta Shankar with Resident Elders
sent to the old age home. Reason: She had lost her husband, had no children and her other relatives refused to take care of her. For more than 3 years, she stayed in the old-age home, ever smiling, yet loads of hurt and pain on the inside. Eventually she passed away …The old age home did not have a vehicle of their own, and so they took the noble body in an auto to a hospital and donated it.

Smt Geeta Shankar, the caretaker and Founder  Trustee of Omashram, is a Mother, Daughter, Daughter in law and Sister and a Friend to 60-odd neglected and abandoned senior citizens, can hardly hide her contempt for the present generation who use-and-throw their parents. “If you have tears to shed, shed them for today’s senior citizens,” she says. “Typically today, parents sacrifice everything for their children who grow up, pursue their career, and dump their parents in an old-age home. We have become so cruelly selfish today that we don’t  respect or even care for our parents.” She pauses to take control of her emotion and adds, “We are led to believe that you reap what you sow but do our senior citizens in the evening of their lives deserve such cruelty at the hands of their loved ones?”

Anguished by the pain of such old parents, Geeta Shankar along with Founder & Chairman  Sri Mohan Pai started a charitable trust called Omashram Trust, in Vijaya Bank Colony, Bilekahalli, Bangalore in 2001. Undeterred by the passing away of Sri Mohan Pai, Geeta Shankar marshaled the Trust through various difficulties and challenges along with fellow Trustee- Mr. Kishore Joseph, Ms. Prathana Unkalkar and Mr. Arun Singh. Today, Omashram is home sweet home to 60 abandoned senior citizens.

Omashram provides residential care with full boarding & lodging facility to the old with medical care nursing care to the old belonging mostly to poor & middle class individuals (above 60 years of age) of all denominations.
Corporates Celebrating with Elders

Omashram provides a homely atmosphere to all its residents inclusive of full boarding and lodging facility, personal laundry, nursing, library and common room facilities like TV, indoor games,. Residents who are immobile/bedridden needing constant attention are provided extra and intensive care.

Narrating her experience over the years, Geeta Shankar says while her old age home enables its residents to lead a life of dignity in the evening of their life, she does not believe in counselling them. “They have gone through so much in their lives that it is pointless to even attempt to touch their experiences.”

For the unconditional services rendered, Smt. Geeta Shankar-Founder Managing Trustee of Omashram Trust-Old Age Care-Bangalore,  has also been honoured with the National Award- ‘Karmaveer Chakra  on the 28th of February in New Delhi at the exclusive awards function which was a part of “iCONGO’s  REX Conclave, being organised in New Delhi for her exceptional work for Senior Citizens’ She has been again nominated to receive the REX-iCongo-Karmaveer Chakra GOLD- National Award-2014-2015, on 21st, 22nd and 23rd of March-2015 at New Delhi .

Presently, the old age home is housed in two separate rented premises and Geeta Shankar is praying that the Government, Corporates or some Philanthropists will donate a piece of land so that the facility will not have to keep changing the premises. Already, the old age home had to be shifted thrice over the past 5 years.

In addition to taking care of senior citizens, Omashram also offers Bhajan Classes, Bhagwad Gita discourses,  Yoga Classes, Eye Check up and orthopaedic check up camps.Visits by Corporates, Schools, and other well wishers. Other facilities available include services of visiting physicians (to provide full medical check up of new residents), visiting counsellors and Yoga Trainer, apart from housing a fully equipped kitchen with full time cooks.

The Trust is also sponsoring the Education of some local children as well as the tribal children in Coonoor, Ooty- Tamilnadu . Academic Excellence Awards are being given to the meritorious children annually to encourage them to emerge with flying colors.

Query Geeta Shankar on what she wants the most and she says, “I want all my residents to be received with affection and pride by their loved ones and return to their homes.” That is just a dream come true, and so she ploughs along with her Co-Trustees, with more service-oriented plans to open a separate wing for housing orphan children, so as to form a happier family.

Her simple advice to people is: You have really never lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you!!!Make it a rule to never lie down at night without being able to say, I have made one human being at least a little wiser, a little happier or a little better this day.

The best way to begin following this is to donate to add a rosy sunset to the lives of the Elderly who are in the Evening of Their Lives.

It costs Rs. 10,000/- per month for the old age home to take care of one individual, and overall, Rs 5 lacs per month.

Interested donors and patrons can support the trust in various ways:

  • Donate Rs. 10,000/- for sponsoring the care of 1 member for a month
  • Donate Rs. 12000/- to feed all 60 members a day
  • Donate in kind like rice, groceries, nappy pads, etc.
  • Celebrate your special occasion like birthday, anniversary and so on  with the residents.
  • Donate any amount starting from Rs. 200/- onwards up to Rs. 1000/- or more per  month through ECS facility and become a Friend of Omashram Trust.
  • All donations are exempted from Tax under section 80 (G) of Income Tax Act 1961. You can also avail  the FCRA Clearance.

Omashram Trust-Old Age Care:  # 767, 3rd Cross, 11th Main, Vijaya Bank Colony, Bilekahalli, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore- 560 076  Tel: 09483537475, 42150172. www.omashram.org  E-mail: geeta@omashram.org , reachgeetashankar@gmail.com

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