Bengaluru 5th June 2017. Corporate footballers never had it so good before this. But then three of the corporates- TCS, SAMSUNG and ERNST YOUNG (EY) – decided not to be cooperative and ‘almost’ ruined what would have been a successful inaugural event of the SOWING BEAN INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED. The SOWING TECHI FUTSAL LEAGUE sponsored by IOC Propel.
Played over two weekends at the IBLITZ sports centre, the three above mentioned corporates tried to brow-beat the organizers at the semi-final stage claiming that ADS FC was not a corporate. The organizers however turned the tables on the three teams, calling off their bluff and decided to punish the three protesting teams and disqualified them. The two lucky losers, HSBC and EVOK were roped in to play a three team round-robin along with ADS FC with the last named emerging clear victors after drawing goalless against EVOK and beating HSBC 5-2, to pocket the glittering platinum trophy and rupees one lakh prize money. HSBC having beaten EVOK 1-0 finished runner up and claimed the gold trophy along with rupees sixty thousand while EVOK emerged richer by rupees forty thousand and silver trophy. 24/7, the most disciplined team around claimed the fair play award.
With a launch party for the captains and a few side shows that the organizers have thrown in, there was a touch of uniqueness to the event. And the 21 teams gulped it all for three days, braving the torrential rains and thunderstorms that hit the venue on the opening Saturday and throwing the schedules haywire. But then thanks to the co-operation of the referees and the teams it was smooth sailing until the three teams threw a spanner on the wheels of the conduct of an event which one praises from the corporators and the guests.
Was it the lure of the prize money? Or the lack of passion for the game? Or where the three teams TCS, SAMSUNG, EY playing the ‘big bully’?
Captains of the three teams had come on the last day with the set plan and they would not budge even after former India captain and chief guest Carlton A Chapman took it upon himself to convince the protesting teams of the sheer pride in playing for the company and passion for the game. But then they seemed to have set their eyes only on the ‘money’. God help the players if and when the organisers write to the respective HR’s. It surely will set a precedence not only for the coming events but also straighten it out for the other event management companies.

There were a couple of start-ups and quite a few ‘regulars’ or professional sides. There were sleeze of goals and a few hard fought drawn encounters. There were a few brilliant goals and a few mesmerizing actions…. And they lapped it up all.
Hemanth of ADS FC with twelve goals to his credit was easily the highest scorer of the tournament while Joel Varghese of EVOK emerged a most promising player.
Nandish Shekar, a beat boxer kept the goodly crowd spell bound during the intervals.
Carlton Chapman former Indian captain and mid field marshal, who flew in from Delhi to keep his date with the organizers gloated about the organization and the trophies on display and coerced the teams and the other corporates to participate in larger numbers.
The Results
Final (3 Team League)
ADS FC 0 drew EVOK 0; HSBC 1 (Terrence) beat EVOK 0; ADS FC 5 ( Hemanth 3, Pranav 2 ) beat HSBC 2 (Vijay 1, Terrence 1).
Final Positions 1) ADS FC, 2) HSBC, 3) EVOK